Holiday Inn Aylesbury had the requirement of transforming the colour of their entrance and lobby doors. As the hotel updates the tired white frames needed to be in line with the companies new colour scheme. We chose architectural vinyl wrap in anthracite grey.
Although a refurbishment was necessary, the main challenge the hotel had was ensuring the hotel could remain open. In the past they had door and window frames spray painted, this was more expensive and meant the hotel had to shut due to fumes.
Wrapp and Avery Facade Film was sought out to complete this refurbishment, with the task of wrapping the door frames in architectural wrap vinyl. The result was flawless proving again architectural wrapping is becoming more popular with hotels.
‘’The project really couldn’t have gone any better, and the clients were delighted with the results. This job is such a fantastic example of architectural wrapping being the best product to use for an application in an environment like this, as the utilisation of interior wrapping gives our clients the ability to keep their business open with no mess or disruption.